Royal Demons
A Dungeon Crawler game that won the Best Project Competition out of a total of 114 teams. Demo Video here.
A Dungeon Crawler game that won the Best Project Competition out of a total of 114 teams. Demo Video here.
A computer vision-based system for the automatic recognition of Bengali sign languages
Implement Zero-Knowledge Sudoku, Wordle, Trivia Game in both Aleo and Noir.
A mobile application written in Flutter for doctors and practitioners in the field of gastroenterology to stay current with the latest guidelines and best practices released by various medical societies. We won the 1st place at Georgia Tech CS Junior Design Capstone from more than 50 teams!!
Enable people to speak, share, and connect fearlessly!
Invisible characters after comments (hidden in VSCode, PyCharm, etc).
In the domain of suicide research and clinical practice, it is important to distinguish between those who are depressed, those who have the capacity for self-harm, and those who are at high-risk for suicide attempts. In this work, we use the tools of Deep Learning to understand what language features differentiate these modes of suicidality. Specifically, we use Reddit communities r/depression, r/StopSelfHarm, and r/SuicideWatch, as language proxies for those who are depressed, capable of self-harm, and suicidal, respectively. We train a spectrum of deep learning models in a single-label, multi-class context to predict to which subreddit a post belongs. Then we conduct a feature importance study to identify the language features that were most useful in making predictions, which we interpret as the language features that differentiate the stated modes of suicidality.
Unauthorized collaboration detection at scale for online exams.
Socratic Mind conducts interactive oral assessment leveraging Socratic questioning to challenge students to explain, justify, and even defend their answers to showcase their understanding.
Published in Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 2023
Examinator v3.0 detects cheating in online take-home exams by comparing answers and the timestamps they were entered. A web interface enables efficient manual inspection. Use of the tool reveals that certain question types substantially enhance cheating detection, demonstrating the potential of automated algorithmic detection at scale. Examinator v3.0 has analyzed 915,831 pairs of exam submissions across three courses over two semesters at a top U.S. institution, identifying 46 instances of cheating.
Recommended citation: Hung, Jui-Tse, et al. "Examinator v3. 0: Cheating Detection in Online Take-Home Exams." Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. 2023.
Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01292, 2023
With the emergence of large foundational models, model-serving systems are becoming popular. In such a system, users send the queries to the server and specify the desired performance metrics (e.g., accuracy, latency, etc.). The server maintains a set of models (model zoo) in the back-end and serves the queries based on the specified metrics. This paper examines the security, specifically robustness against model extraction attacks, of such systems. We propose a query-efficient fingerprinting algorithm to enable the attacker to trigger any desired model consistently. We show that by using our fingerprinting algorithm, model extraction can have fidelity and accuracy scores within 1% of the scores obtained if attacking in a single-model setting and up to 14.6% gain in accuracy and up to 7.7% gain in fidelity compared to the naive attack…..
Recommended citation: arXiv:2307.01292
After we won the Best Project Competition out of a total of 114 teams in Gatech CS 2340 Objects and Design course (see Royal Demons), we were invited by Prof. Aibek Musaev to give a guest lecture at CS 2340 in summer 2021 on how to use FXGL to build games.
I was invited to give a talk at the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS) career workshop event. I shared my experience and tips on how to search for internships and jobs in the United States.
I was invited by the president of ACM @ De Anza to share my experience transfering from De Anza to Georgia Tech in their out-of-state university university transfer panel.
I was invited to give a talk at Georgia Tech Taiwanese Student Association (GT TSA) career workshop on how to search for internships.
I was invited to a Career Salon podcast hosted by Georgia Tech Taiwanese Student Association (GT TSA) where I shared my internship experience and some tips for students who are looking for internships.
We presented Socratic Mind at the AI for Lifetime Learning Symposium along with Christopher Cui and Eunhee Sohn.
I was invited to give a talk at Georgia Tech Taiwanese Student Association (GT TSA) career workshop on how to search for internships.
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.