Socratic Mind
Socratic Mind conducts interactive oral assessment leveraging Socratic questioning to challenge students to explain, justify, and even defend their answers to showcase their understanding.
Socratic Mind conducts interactive oral assessment leveraging Socratic questioning to challenge students to explain, justify, and even defend their answers to showcase their understanding.
Unauthorized collaboration detection at scale for online exams.
In the domain of suicide research and clinical practice, it is important to distinguish between those who are depressed, those who have the capacity for self-harm, and those who are at high-risk for suicide attempts. In this work, we use the tools of Deep Learning to understand what language features differentiate these modes of suicidality. Specifically, we use Reddit communities r/depression, r/StopSelfHarm, and r/SuicideWatch, as language proxies for those who are depressed, capable of self-harm, and suicidal, respectively. We train a spectrum of deep learning models in a single-label, multi-class context to predict to which subreddit a post belongs. Then we conduct a feature importance study to identify the language features that were most useful in making predictions, which we interpret as the language features that differentiate the stated modes of suicidality.
Invisible characters after comments (hidden in VSCode, PyCharm, etc).
Enable people to speak, share, and connect fearlessly!
A mobile application written in Flutter for doctors and practitioners in the field of gastroenterology to stay current with the latest guidelines and best practices released by various medical societies. We won the 1st place at Georgia Tech CS Junior Design Capstone from more than 50 teams!!
Implement Zero-Knowledge Sudoku, Wordle, Trivia Game in both Aleo and Noir.
A computer vision-based system for the automatic recognition of Bengali sign languages
A Dungeon Crawler game that won the Best Project Competition out of a total of 114 teams. Demo Video here.